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Inner Voices - May-May Meijer

Author: May-May Meijer

Publisher: March 2019

The secret service gradually infiltrates the lush life of May-May, an ambitious scientist and mother to a young boy. Her world falls apart when she is forcibly admitted to a mental hospital, where she is diagnosed with schizophrenia.

May-May seems to be living in two worlds: the normal world where everyone goes about their day-to-day lives, and another world, the world of the secret service. It is during this period of her life that her mission arises, which she still pursues to this day: achieving world peace.

With the love and help of her family, the support of caregivers in the mental health sector, and by following her calling, May-May eventually recovers. She now wants to contribute to “A World in Which All Children Can Play”.

May-May Meijer is chairman of Peace SOS. She was Sectioned for six months in 2009. May-May is the author of the book Inner VoicesMay-May also wrote a couple of  first person accounts for Schizophrenia Bulletin. She also wrote Here I am,a free download is available at Barnes and Noble.

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